Economic recovery for the ecological benefit

Since many years Lindenschmidt has seen the potential in waste. We process and recycle waste that our customers cannot use anymore. To our customers we offer a safe and proper waste recovery or disposal which protects the environment. We put ecology and economy together.


High procedural standard

Using the best standard of technology existing is a requirement of environmental protection.  Lindenschmidt Umweltservice has ideas and puts them into practice in the waste treatment center ESC. Every year 100.000 tonnes of hazardous waste are processed and if possible recycled here. In practice this means: We constantly develop and modernize our plant for the material and energetic exploitation of waste. Our own technical know-how contributes to the elaborate procedural standard. The ESC today fulfills all requirements for an efficient and professional treatment of dangerous waste.


For additional details on our treatment processes please view the pages on our company.